Neto Almanza
Video Producer
This month I am honored to feature video producer, Neto Almanza for our SPOTLIGHT INTERVIEW. VideoWorks was once a small project and has transformed itself into a high-quality, state-of-the-art, video and photo production agency in Miami. It’s led and founded by Creative Director Neto Almanza, and today we sit down with him to learn a bit more about what they do.
Q: Neto, thank you for taking the time to sit with us. First off, please tell our readers what types of video production you do.
A: Sure; I like to do captivating videos for business. Recently, I’ve been working with firms for photography and video. There is something magical about creating a story of someone who goes the extra mile for their clients. It’s easily conveyed in their message and that is reflected on the camera.
Q: Please tell us a little bit about your background.
A: I’m a citizen of the world I grew up in Mexico, went to university in Texas, studied abroad in Hong Kong, did Masters in Germany. Along the way, I’ve traveled to more than 40 countries and this has opened my eyes to the many blessings life has to offer. Traveling has made me detail oriented by focusing on special characteristics of individuals and maximizing what makes them stand out from the rest.
Q: What prompted you to become a video director?
A: Some people say you are born with a certain skill, others say you develop it. I think I had a combination of both. My gut feeling has always led me into being involved in all that is visual, and I gradually realized that video is the way to go for me. I can see the final picture clearly in my mind before I start recording. It comes naturally, but it’s taken a lot of hard work, failure and experience to create a state-of-the-art video. I started young by using my talent on school projects. Then out of necessity, I had to create advertisements for my family’s businesses. People began complimenting my work and it was then that I realized that I had talent. Talent is nothing without effort. So, I aspired for the best and enrolled at MASE Hamburg, the most awarded creative school in the world. Once I finished there I arrived at Miami with hunger, determination and an opportunistic vision.
Q: What sort of video production are you most passionate about?
A: There’s something special about recording a video with a message that comes from the heart. Nowadays we are bombarded with advertisements and silly videos on social media. But that just doesn’t satisfy me. I’m all about pumping people up or letting me know that you are there for them, no matter what. That’s why I have done many manifesto videos. Which is condensing the company/business’ creed and mission into a minute filled with mesmerizing visuals and a rhythm that creates a desire for more.
I like recording filmmercials, which are cinematique productions that could be used for anything. High quality, well thought out, polished material that reflects a Hollywood level production but made with a Hollywood Florida budget.
Q: If you can say anything to an attorney or firm who do not have a video on their website, social channels or any sort of platform. What would you tell them?
A: I’d say coffee is on me. Let me show you what I can do for you. Best case scenario, you’ll be the talk of the town, have more leads and have an amazing video featuring you as the star. Worst case scenario, a nice, casual and highly caffeinated conversation
Q: Where can folks reach you if they’re interested in taking you up on that coffee?
A: I can be reached at or (956) 639-2910. Anyone can also check out my website at
Thank you, Neto, for sharing your knowledge with our subscribers. This is Elina signing off until next month’s spotlight interview. Have a great month!