Marc Hurwitz

Private Investigator


Marc Hurwitz owns Crossroads Investigations, a full-service private investigation and due diligence agency.

Q:        Marc, thank you for taking the time to speak with us. Those of us who know Crossroads understand you’re more than a guy in his car following a cheating spouse.  Tell us about the work your company does.

A:        First off, thank you for interviewing me for Spotlight – I’m excited to participate!

You are absolutely correct!  We do so many things – we certainly do infidelity surveillance, but we keep very busy on many other types of investigations – from bank account searches to finding criminal records to researching people and businesses all over the world.

Q: Tell us a little about your background.

A:  I was an intern in the government – first with Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, then at the U.S. Department of State’s Human Rights Bureau, then at the White House National Security Council.  That last internship led to a job working as an aide to President Clinton’s Deputy National Security Advisor.  In 2000 I joined the Central Intelligence Agency and later worked elsewhere in federal government assignments.

And in 2008, I started Crossroads! I started the company to support my old bosses who had retired from the government and had business due diligence contracts.  Over time, attorneys started asking me for information and the rest is history!

Q:        What do you like best about your work?

A:        There are two answers to that.  First, I love working with people who I respect.  Crossroads has Core Values which we hire for, and I’ve been very fortunate to work with an amazing team.  Chantal, Peter and Lashelle are wonderful people, as are our team of field investigators who are all at the top of their game.

The other thing I love most about my work is what we have identified as Crossroads’ Core Purpose – to help the good guys win.  Our clients come to us because they have a pain point – and our job is to provide information so they can make more informed decisions and lower their risk.  It’s a great feeling to help clients get a leg up on those who are trying to do them harm.

Q:        What makes Crossroads different?

A: There are a lot of private investigation companies out there, so we work very hard to differentiate ourselves.  I would say our unique selling points include:

  • My credentials – I’m a former CIA officer, a Florida Board Certified Investigator, a National Board Accredited Investigator, and a Certified International Investigator.
  • The readers of the Daily Business Review have voted Crossroads as the region’s best private investigation agency for the last four years.
  • Going back to we’re not a guy in a car – we are a true agency. That means we have the capacity to handle a lot of cases at once.  And, as an agency, we have a case coordinator to ensure all aspects of the investigative work is done right in close communication with the client.

Q: What’s a typical day like?

A: Actually that’s another thing I love about my work – every day is different.  Our cases run a broad range of assignments… we may be working on insurance defense surveillance, an asset search as a client considers suing someone, we may be trying to find someone who doesn’t want to be found, or we could be working on a due diligence project looking at a group of companies and owners, hunting for derogatory information.

Q: What’s one of the most exciting cases your agency has worked on?

A: I’m glad you asked! We have any number of scandalous stories, it’s hard to choose just one, but I’ll try. Obviously I’ll be changing some details to protect the clients and subjects…

Archie is a US citizen who walks into a bar in Costa Rica and locks eyes with Rosa, who is soon to be the love of his life. It’s a whirlwind romance and he brings her back to the US and marries her. A few months before she is scheduled to get her Green card, Archie has a bad feeling. Rosa is heading to Miami for a girls weekend and to visit some friends (not unusual) – so, we start with round the clock surveillance in Miami. Turns out, there were no girls at all – she was visiting her ‘boyfriend’ – who also happens to be married. Rosa later admits to Archie that she and her boyfriend both conned US citizens into marrying them so they could get their papers. Their plan, which they concocted as high school sweethearts in Costa Rica 10 years prior, was to then leave their US spouses so they could be together.  Needless to say, Archie was heartbroken, but definitely better off knowing sooner rather than later. And in this particular case, we found 2 cheaters for the price of one!

Q: What does a private investigation cost?

A: That depends. For a bank account search, we only charge if we find something.  Likewise for locates (or what we investigators call Skip Traces), we only charge if we provide new information the client doesn’t already have.  Other types of cases like field work and research, are hourly.

Q: I love asking, what’s a good referral for you?

A: Thank you!  We love meeting anyone who may have a problem, but we tend to focus on working for attorneys, insurance companies, landlords, employers and investors, so any of those make great introductions!  And, we are always looking for speaking opportunities – we have a few topics approved by The Florida Bar for CLE credits, but we like speaking to any group, regardless if they are or are not attorneys.

Q: How can our subscribers reach you for a consultation?

A: They can email us at, or via phone at 866-XROADS-1 (866-976-2371).


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